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February 11th, 2025

Middle College Employee Spotlight

Name and Current Position
Brandy Schnettler, ecology and chemistry teacher
What attracted you to your role at Middle College and how did you get started in this field?*

Middle College would have been the perfect fit for me as a student and I knew the same would be true for me as a teacher. I pursued science education after being drawn to the field by my high school biology teacher.

What is your favorite part about your job and why?

The students – I love getting to know them, their interests and aspirations, and generally just being a part of their lives. I also just love to be at school 🙂

Share a professional accomplishment that makes you proud. 
Starting the PEER program at MC has been an incredible opportunity for our students. Students are able to explore their career interests and gain research experience that sets them apart from other undergrads. This program is unique, like our school and students.

What is your favorite Middle College memory?
The research symposium – seeing our PEER students present their research posters. They had become experts about their project and were able to share that knowledge with others.

List the universities you have attended and degrees earned and/or share fun facts about yourself.
Emory @ Oxford University (freshman year), University of South Florida (BS in secondary biology education), APSU (MS in Biology, MEd Curriculum & Instruction). I am a member of the Clarksville Warioto Audubon chapter, as well as the faculty advisor for the campus chapter, Bird Alliance at APSU. I love birds and birding.

young teacher in front of board February 10th, 2025

Teach with the Best Hiring Event Held March 25 for Teachers

young teacher in front of board

The Clarksville-Montgomery County School System will host the Teach with the Best Hiring Event on Tuesday, March 25, at 4:00 p.m. Applicants who hold a current TN Teaching License or are actively pursuing a TN Teaching License are invited to attend. The event will be held at the Wilma Rudolph Event Center in Clarksville, and interested candidates are encouraged to register for the event here.

CMCSS is looking to fill nearly 100 teaching positions at over 40 schools. While available teaching positions exist in almost every school, high-needs areas include Special Education, elementary teachers, secondary math and science, and school counselors. The complete list of openings is available at

While at the job fair, interested applicants can meet school administrators and learn more about the school culture. From 4:00 – 5:30 p.m., attendees will have an open session to network and make connections. School administrators will host interviews from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., and principals may set up interviews on the spot.

As the district continues to grow, so will the need for dedicated high-quality teachers. In 2023, with the support of the CMCSS School Board, Montgomery County Commission, and the community, the district implemented a mid-year, 5% pay increase for all employees.

CMCSS is one of the few districts in the state with a three-year teacher induction program, offering extensive opportunities for professional development. The district also remains committed to providing a superior employee benefits package, including medical, dental, vision, life insurance, retirement plans, and other supports.

Alternative licensure opportunities may be available if you are a college graduate interested in a career with a meaningful purpose. To learn more, email Sabrina Wasan, at [email protected].

Register for the CMCSS Teacher Job Fair on March 25 and receive career-related information at


The Clarksville-Montgomery County School System in Clarksville, Tennessee, is an award-winning, nationally recognized district with 39,500 students across 45 schools. CMCSS employs over 5,400 difference makers and has been named the “Best in State Employer” two years in a row. Clarksville continues to be a nationally-ranked community for people of all ages. It has been named the Best Place to Live in America by, one of the top three cities where millennials buy homes, and the 4th in the nation for talent attraction.

February 1st, 2025

Information for students interested in applying!

The application for the 2025-2026 school year has closed. It will reopen on Sept 15th for juniors to apply for the January 2026 semester. Applications for the 2026-2027 school year will open on Dec 1st. Students who have applied for the 2025-2026 school year should pay close attention to the student email address used on their application and be sure to follow any directions given for next steps.

All CMCSS sophomores will attend informational sessions about Middle College in November/December at their current high schools. Interested students are encouraged to apply early in order to have time to process their applications before testing.

A parent informational meeting will be held in Dec/Jan each year. Due to limited seating, please limit attendees to two per family. Attendance at the parent meeting is optional and is not required in order for students to apply.

Middle College will also have an informational table at the CMCSS College Career Night each September.

Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions for answers to many questions you may have about Middle College. Frequently Asked Questions

Brochure 2024 Middle College Brochure


August 10th, 2024

Celebration of 2024 Seniors!

We want to take a minute to celebrate the Middle College Class of 2024!

59 seniors in the class of 2024

27 Average ACT for the class of 2024 (state ave-18.7)

73% met all 4 ACT benchmarks (state ave-16.0%)

3.81 Average GPA for the class of 2024

100% graduation for 16 years

100% of graduates Ready Grad

100% of graduates Graduating with Distinction

18 students earned an Associate’s Degree

7.3 million dollars received in scholarships by the class of 2024 ($124,955 per student)

2024 Reward School

2024 FAFSA Champion

2023 National Blue Ribbon School

August 6th, 2024

Middle College at APSU Plans for August 7, 2024

Good afternoon, Middle College at Austin Peay State University Community! This is Dr. Phyllis Casebolt, the principal of our school. On behalf of the Middle College faculty and staff, we are excited to welcome the new students as well as our returning students. We appreciate your support and trust in our school community.

Our first half-day for students will take place on August 7, 2024, at 9:00 AM in the APSU Clement building auditorium. (The following link is a map of the APSU campus Students will receive an informational packet and communication about our plans and expectations for this year. Students new to campus will participate in a guided tour of APSU. Additionally, laptops will be issued. A message with the Student Laptop Form will be sent from CMCSS to each student’s primary point of contact in PowerSchool. All students need to complete the laptop confirmation form with a parent/guardian before they arrive on Wednesday. It would be ideal for students to bring a backpack or case to protect the laptop.

In regards to parking on campus, I recommend parking in the student lot in front of Burt. That section of the parking lot is beside the APSU Fortera Stadium.

The start of a new school year brings with it a sense of excitement and anticipation. Our mission is to support students in pursuing post-secondary goals through the immersive college environment. Our vision is for all students to graduate with an attainable, well-structured plan for their post-secondary goals. Together, let’s approach this new journey with a sense of hope, enthusiasm, and a growth mindset. We look forward to our students seeing our new location at Burt. It will be a blessing to engage with all of them on August 7th!

May 29th, 2024

Middle College Summer Information

We are excited to welcome all students back on August 7th for a mandatory meeting at 8:45am. Students should refer to their email for more information.

Associate students who are attending summer classes should reach out to their designated teacher for assistance over the summer.

Middle College will be moving from the Marks Building to the Burt Building over the summer. Phone numbers on our contact page will be updated when we return in the fall.

If you are interested in learning more about Middle College, including when applications are available, please see our post below “Information for students interested in applying!”

April 7th, 2024

Middle College at APSU Earns Prestigious 2023 National Blue Ribbon School!

Middle College at Austin Peay State University has been recognized as a 2023 National Blue Ribbon School! The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes schools based on their overall academic excellence or their progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. Every year, the U. S. Department of Education seeks out and celebrates great American schools, schools demonstrating that all students can achieve to high levels. For context, out of approximately 1,700 public schools in the state of Tennessee, this year only 6 schools received this honor: 4 elementaries, 1 middle school, and Middle College at APSU was the only high school awarded. Nationally, 313 schools out of approximately 90,000 public schools were recognized, which is approximately 0.35% of schools both statewide and nationally.

The coveted National Blue Ribbon School award affirms the hard work of students, educators, families, and communities in creating safe and welcoming schools where students master challenging and engaging content. The National Blue Ribbon School flag gracing an entry or flying overhead is a widely recognized symbol of exemplary teaching and learning.

Congratulations to the students, faculty, staff, and administration at Middle College at APSU on this outstanding achievement, and we appreciate Austin Peay State University for our strong partnership!!

March 21st, 2024

Open Enrollment Information for the 2024-2025 School Year

CMCSS is offering Open Enrollment in specific schools and grade levels with available capacity for the 2024-2025 school year. Space for Open Enrollment is limited to only the specific schools and grades listed below.

Each grade listed has a limited number of available seats. If more requests are received than available seats, a lottery drawing will be held. Open Enrollment is only open to residents of Montgomery County. Applications for the 2024-2025 school year will be accepted from Monday, March 25 through Wednesday, April 24, 2024. Please see below for the application. Completed applications should be delivered in person or mailed to the CMCSS Enrollment Center, 430 Greenwood Ave. Clarksville, TN 37040, ATTN: Director of Student Services.  This Open Enrollment process is separate from the application period for schools and programs of choice that took place January – February 2024.

2024-2025 Open Enrollment Application (STS-F023)

The application above has expired.


School K 1 2 3 4 5
Byrns Darden Elementary 5 seats 5 seats
Cumberland Heights Elementary 5 seats 5 seats 5 seats 5 seats 5 seats 5 seats
Minglewood Elementary 15 seats
Montgomery Central Elementary 20 seats


School 6 7 8
Rossview Middle 9 seats 26 seats 39 seats
School 9 10 11 12
Montgomery Central High 63 seats 32 seats
Northeast High 10 seats 10 seats 10 seats 10 seats
Rossview High 7 seats 10 seats 10 seats


CMCSS Open Enrollment Policy (STS-A004)

Due to the comprehensive rezoning that changed capacities at some schools, the District had to delay the determination of open seats for Open Enrollment until spring 2024.

October 17th, 2023

CMCSS School Board Points of Pride – October 2023

During the October board meeting, the CMCSS School Board presented several Point of Pride awards.
Coda Johns, from Clarksville High School, and Saanvi Burle and Justin Zheng, from Rossview High School, have been named 2024 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists. The students recognized tonight are three of approximately 16,000 semifinalists nationwide who have earned this recognition. These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for around 7,000 National Merit Scholarships worth nearly $30 million that will be offered next spring. To be considered for a Merit Scholarship® award, Semifinalists must fulfill several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition.

Next, Middle College at Austin Peay State University faculty and staff were awarded as a 2023 National Blue Ribbon School. The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes schools based on their overall academic excellence or their progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. Every year, the U. S. Department of Education seeks out and celebrates great American schools, demonstrating that all students can achieve to high levels. For context, out of approximately 1,700 public schools in the state of Tennessee, this year, only 6 schools received this honor, and Middle College was the only high school awarded.

Finally, Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Kalena Towe from Montgomery Central High School was recognized as the national Legion of Valor Award for scholastic and leadership excellence. Cadet Towe was one of around 65 Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine JROTC Cadets to receive the prestigious Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement award out of over 500,000 Cadets nationwide. She received this award due to her outstanding academic performance and incredible leadership ability. Cadet Towe is the Cadet leader of the Indian Battalion and has maintained a 4.0 GPA and an academic average that is over 100%. She also serves as the Drill Captain of the reigning 7th Brigade Drill Team Champions and was a member of the National level JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl team last year!

May 15th, 2023

Middle College students receive research experience with APSU professors!